The creation of smart cities will only be achieved with a holistic approach, supported by globally acceptable standards that enable fully interoperable solutions that can be deployed and replicated at scale.
The standards-based frameworks and corresponding technology roadmap that enables city administrators to deliver advanced services to their citizens, whilst respecting essential environmental factors, sustainability objectives and reducing overall complexity and therefore also reducing costs.
Those city services are intended to improve the overall quality of living in the city and make them increase attractive to citizens, investors, businesses, innovators and visitors/tourists. By adopting a standards-based approach, it is expected that cities will be able to ensure improved levels of quality and experience to the users, ensure the sustainability of the deployments as well as maintaining a certain level of provider independence.
Providing a Smart city framework and roadmap for technology investment and deployment will significantly increase the market confidence level in city infrastructure investments, as well as ensuring the interoperability of technical solutions and the ability to replicate those solutions across domains, between cities, and at scale.
The approach of the Smart Platform Alliance tries to follow the smart cities’ best practices and takes the Spanish UNE 178104 ( as a reference. In all the standards the interoperability and security are key elements of a smart city platform. For that reason, efforts have been invested in creating a modular architecture of reference providing a set of tools to make integration with 3rd parties easy, promoting the creation of a collaborative ecosystem within a standard of reference in smart platforms.